Our Firm
Our strategic and advisory firm’s culture is a great fit with companies that are having difficulty realizing their operational and/or financial objectives. Our firm’s broad business, operational and financial knowledge has us well suited to provide the support services and advice to our target client’s – Closely held businesses ranging in revenue from $ 10 million to $500 million.

Hollis Meddings Group understands the practical realities of doing business in uncertain times as well as the challenges of running a family based entity where management and ownership are often the same. Our approach is cooperative and flexible, as every situation and client is different. We work up front to lay out the proper scope of the engagement, and continue to refine the scope as the situation evolves.

For over thirty years, HMG has been working closely with management teams to improve profitability, enhance growth, and increase shareholder value. Our team members have the real-world experience to identify problems, formulate corrective strategies, and implement those strategies.